A Study on the Avoidance Behavior of magpies by Sensory Method(2019)
Magpies are currently classified as harmful animals in Korea. One of the reasons is the habit of building high nests. In residential areas, telegraph poles are the best habitat for magpie breeding. Also, when making a nest, magpies bite wires and branches, which act as a transmission of electricity, increasing the chance of a short circuit.
So, we studied methods to reduce the damage occurred by magpies. Basically, the goal is to grasp magpie's avoidance behavior for certain sensational variables, and apply that variable to measures to reduce and prevent damage caused by current magpies.
Research has proven that visual and auditory methods are effective. While UV is recognized by birds, people cannot see it, so when installed in areas damaged by harmful birds other than magpies, accessibility can be reduced without affecting people. Case of eagle kite used in rural areas, when it was combined with a machine that can operate to produce irregular movements and sounds, the effect can be increased. In the case of reflectors and ultrasonic waves, repellents can be made in various sizes and shapes by using a reflective material to induce the avoiding behavior of the magpie in response to the reflected light.
If the devised measures are processed on the telephone pole before the spawning season of the magpies from 2 to April, it is expected that the degree of nesting will be reduced and the frequency of blackouts will be reduced to reduce the damage caused by magpies.