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Establish a foundation for reducing damage through habitat analysis and habitat management through forest animal habitat survey and monitoring.

1) DB supplementation for forest animal habitat type space.

• Based on the reclassification and subdivision of habitat types, the previously secured habitat type DB was modified and supplemented.

• It is used to analyze habitat factors and evaluate habitat value by utilizing existing vegetation and forest animal habitat points included in this DB.

2) Establishment and operation of a forest animal habitat monitoring system.

• Reviewing forest animal populations and habitat monitoring techniques currently in use at home and abroad, and developing monitoring techniques suitable for deriving results that meet the purpose of this study.

• Based on the developed monitoring techniques, it is used to investigate the status of habitat by habitat type, investigate the type of movement by habitat placement scenario, and derive the area required for habitat in the forest.

3) Derivation of measures to create and manage habitat for forest animals.

• In addition to the 14 previously known forest animal habitat factors, habitat composition factors

were selected based on expert surveys and literature surveys.

• Based on the correlation analysis between habitat constituent factors and forest animal habitat, key factors and priorities for each species of forest animals are derived and used to prepare a plan to create a habitat for each species.

1. Capture and attach GPS Tracker

1-1) Capture wild animal



1-2) attach GPS tracker

1-3) GIS













2. Drone - MATRICE 200 V2/ Camera - Zenmuse XT2


3. Motion detecting camera


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