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B.S. Dept. Forest sciences, Seoul National Univ. (1999.03.01.~ 2006.02.24.)

M.S. Dept. Forest sciences, Seoul National Univ. (2006.03.01.~ 2008.08.22.)

Ph.D. Indiana State Univ. (2011.08.22.~ 2016.05.07.)

PostDoc. Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Israel (2016.06.27.~2017.12.01.)

Assistant Professor Incheon National Univ. (2018.03.01~present)

Main Article

1. Lee & Lima. 2016. Nest building under the risk of predation: safe nests are not always the best option. Journal of Avian Biology 47:768-778.

2. Jang et al. 2019. Avian Reporting Rates in Chugcheongnam Province, South Korea Depend on Distance from Forest Edge, Size of Trees, and Size of Forest Fragments. Forests (Corresponding Author)

3. Lee et al. 2018. Effects of the Saemangeum reclamation project on migratory shorebird staging in the Saemangeum and Geum Estuaries, South Korea. Bird Conservation International. 28:238-250.

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