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Study on prevention of window strike



This study aims to promote the welfare of wild animals and create a healthy ecosystem where people and nature coexist by establishing measures and systems to reduce damage to wild birds injured and killed by transparent glass structures.


◆ Detailed research goal.


◦ Development of appropriate anti-collision products for each bird characteristic: Birds are classified in various sizes and habitats. Therefore, bird collisions cannot be reduced in a uniform way. In addition, in the case of existing foreign products on the market, they often do not fit the East Asian situation, including Korea. By securing and on-site testing of various wild birds in cooperation with the National Migratory Bird Research Center, which is carrying out the attachment of bird rings throughout the year, it is possible to develop products suitable for bird characteristics.



◦ Establishment of a certification system for scientific verification of sustainable anti-collision products: In the case of the United States (ABC) and Austria, there are already test programs for verification of anti-collision products. Through the tunnel device, it is verified with objective data whether a product reflecting each characteristic can be recognized by birds to prevent collision. The degree of effectiveness of each product is verified by extracting the avoidance index from the recorded data through at least 80 tests per product. This research team aims to establish a verification system after manufacturing a tunnel device suitable for the characteristics of East Asian bird species while satisfying the existing verification system.


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